WARNING: This product contains nicotine.Nicotine is an addictive chemical.

Traditional cigarettes vs Vapes: a revolution?

  In recent years, with the improvement of health awareness and the increasing demand for quitting smoking, vapes have gradually come into the public eye and become a popular alternative to traditional cigarettes. Although vapes are seen as an option to reduce the harm of smoking, they are essentially different from traditional cigarettes in many ways. So, what are the differences between vapes and traditional cigarettes? What are their potential impacts? This article will provide you with an in-depth analysis.

1.Differences in working principles

  • Traditional cigarettes produce smoke by igniting tobacco, and users inhale the smoke produced by burning tobacco. The combustion process releases a variety of harmful chemicals, including tar, carbon monoxide, and other known carcinogens. This is also one of the main reasons why smoking is a huge health hazard.
  • Vapes use the heating principle, usually using batteries to heat liquids (including nicotine, propylene glycol, glycerin, and flavorings, etc.) to form water vapor for users to inhale. Since vapes do not involve the combustion of tobacco, in theory, they produce fewer harmful substances than traditional cigarettes.

2.Health effects

  • Traditional cigarettes are strongly associated with a number of serious diseases, such as lung cancer, cardiovascular disease, and respiratory disease. The number of deaths caused by smoking each year is extremely large, and the World Health Organization (WHO) lists smoking as one of the largest preventable causes of death worldwide. Smoking is not only harmful to the smokers themselves, but also to passive smokers.

  • The long-term health effects of vapes are still being studied, but some research suggests that the potential harm of vapes may be lower than that of traditional cigarettes. Although the water vapor in vapes contains chemicals such as nicotine, it does not produce harmful substances such as tar and carbon monoxide. Therefore, vapes may be less harmful to the lungs and heart than traditional cigarettes.

3.Social acceptance and usage scenarios

  • Traditional cigarettes have been subject to increasingly strict control in many countries and regions around the world because they produce a lot of smoke and odor when burned. Policies such as smoking bans in public places and increased cigarette taxes have restricted smokers’ living space to a certain extent.
  • Vapes are relatively well accepted in some countries and regions because they have no obvious odor and do not produce smoke (only water vapor). Although more and more places are beginning to include vapes in the scope of smoking bans, their concealment and convenience still allow some users to use them in relatively hidden occasions.

 4.Costs and environmental impacts

  • The long-term consumption cost of traditional cigarettes is relatively high, especially in areas where high tobacco taxes are in place, and the annual cost of cigarettes to smokers should not be underestimated. In addition, cigarettes produce a large number of non-degradable cigarette butts, which pollute the environment.
  • The initial purchase cost of vapes is higher (cost of equipment), but the cost of purchasing the liquid may be lower than that of traditional cigarettes over the long term. vapes produce less waste than traditional cigarettes, but the recycling of their electronic components and batteries still requires attention or they may also have a negative impact on the environment.

If you prefer to experiment, a vape may be for you. Vapes offer many customizations, from wattage to e-liquid varieties, making them great for exploring and enhancing your vaping experience. SENCOI offers a variety of vape options, perfect for those looking to explore.

SENCOI Pogo6 Device


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