WARNING: This product contains nicotine.Nicotine is an addictive chemical.

SENCOI: Innovative for Healthy Living

SENCOI’s mission is ‘to provide better choices for smokers around the world with scientific technology and products’ and to become a company and brand trusted by users.

Information for New Customers:How to buy your first vape?

Discover the basics of buying your first vape, from choosing the right device and nicotine level to understanding key features like battery life and safety. A quick guide for beginners to make the right choice.

A Guide to the Types and Choices of Vape Devices

  Vape have become a popular alternative to traditional cigarettes in recent years. There are many types of Vapes, and each type of device is targeted at different user needs. Whether you are a novice or an experienced user, it is very important to choose the right vape device for you. This article will introduce […]

Aims and Objectives of the Vapes Blog

Purpose of Blog Creation With the rapid development of the Vapes industry, more and more consumers have become interested in Vapes, however, the wide array of products and information on the market has confused many people. In order to help our readers better understand Vapes, gain knowledge, and choose the right product for them, we […]

Vape vs. Cigarettes: Developmental Advantages in Comparison

In recent years, vape has gradually entered the public eye as an emerging alternative. Compared to traditional cigarettes, Vape shows obvious benefits in several aspects. Here are eight advantages of vape over cigarettes, which will help you understand the development potential of this new product. The composition is safer Cigarettes produce thousands of harmful substances […]

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