WARNING: This product contains nicotine.Nicotine is an addictive chemical.

What Happens When You Drop a Vape in Water?

The moment your vape hits water, the first thing to do is remove it immediately. If your vape doesn’t have water protection, moisture will start seeping into its internal components. Water can damage your vape in two ways: To reduce the risk of damage, act fast with the following steps: How to Fix a Vape […]

How to Properly Clean Your Vape Device

Electronic vaporizers, or vapes, come in various forms—sleek vape pens, larger mods, and heavy-duty pod systems, among others. No matter the type, one thing remains consistent: regular cleaning is essential. However, cleaning and maintenance often aren’t a priority for many vape users. While these devices may seem self-sustaining, they contain numerous small parts that need […]

Why Vapes Leak: Understanding the Causes and How to Fix Them

Introduction In recent years, vaping has become a popular alternative to traditional tobacco smoking. It not only offers a different experience but is often customizable to fit individual lifestyles and preferences. However, while vape devices are convenient and efficient, they are not without issues. One common problem is leaking. For beginners, in particular, dealing with […]

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