WARNING: This product contains nicotine.Nicotine is an addictive chemical.

Mastering the Art of Creating Spectacular Vape Clouds


Vaping is not just a method of consumption; it’s also an art form. While some vapers exhale vapor casually, others focus on producing massive clouds to captivate onlookers. This practice is known as cloud chasing.

As a competitive and artistic aspect of vaping, cloud chasing has gained tremendous popularity, especially among younger enthusiasts. Its allure lies not only in competition but also in creative expression and visibility on social media.

What is Cloud Chasing?

Cloud chasing, also known as “stunt vaping,” “extreme vaping,” “power vaping,” or “Sub-Ohm vaping,” combines skill, science, and artistry. Vapers aim to create the largest vapor clouds possible while using their hands to shape the vapor and perform various tricks.

According to Dominique Mosbergen’s article in HuffPost, cloud chasing began as a trend on the West Coast of the United States, leading to competitions in states like New Mexico, Illinois, and New Jersey. About a decade ago, Texas hosted its first vape convention featuring this activity, while California hosted an International Cloud Championship in 2017. Today, cloud chasing has become a global phenomenon.

With the rapid rise of e-cigarettes and the opening of dedicated vape shops worldwide, it’s no surprise that many skilled vapers have turned cloud chasing into a competitive showcase of their abilities.

Safety Tips for Cloud Chasing

While some may argue that cloud chasing poses risks, safety can be ensured by vapers who are well-informed about the practice. Consider the following safety tips:

  1. Always use a vaping device in optimal condition.
  2. Understand how to operate your device correctly.
  3. Use only high-quality batteries and chargers.
  4. Never leave your device unattended while charging.
  5. Be aware of your surroundings when producing larger vapor clouds, ensuring you’re in a safe and appropriate location.

Cloud chasing is a skill that can enhance the enjoyment of vaping. With the right equipment, including your vape device and drip tip, and by following safety practices, you can safely elevate your cloud chasing experience.

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