WARNING: This product contains nicotine.Nicotine is an addictive chemical.

Tips for using vapes: how to avoid oil leakage

  Oil leakage is a common issue for many vape users, affecting both the experience and potentially damaging the device. To address this, we’ll share practical tips to help you effectively prevent vape oil leakage and improve your overall experience.

1. Avoiding strong smoking

Smoke gently: With disposable or closed vape, smoking too fast or too hard may cause too much condensation to enter the airway, which can lead to leakage. Therefore, try to smoke as gently and smoothly as possible so that the device can better control the flow of liquid. (SENCOI pogo6 offers a smooth mode to give you a good experience)

SENCOI Pogo6 Device

2. Proper Storage

  Always keep your vape upright when not in use, as laying it flat or upside down can cause oil to leak into the airway, increasing the chance of leaks. Also, try to avoid exposing it to extreme temperatures or direct sunlight, since temperature changes can affect the oil’s consistency and lead to leakage.

3. Avoid Frequent High-Altitude Transport

  Changes in air pressure during flights or at high altitudes can affect the vape’s seal, leading to leaks. To reduce this risk, keep your vape in its packaging while flying, and wait until you’ve landed before using it.

4. Avoid Shaking

  Excessive shaking can disturb the liquid and cause it to enter the airway, leading to leaks. It’s best to avoid unnecessary shaking or vibrations.

5. Check Device Integrity

  Visible damage, like cracks or loose seals, can increase leakage risks. If any issues are found, it’s best to replace the device promptly.

6.Regular Cleaning

  Neglecting cleaning can cause oil buildup and increase leak risks. Regularly clean airways, cartridges, and battery ports to remove residue, and gently wipe seals to maintain proper sealing.

7.Avoid Overuse and Overheating

  Extended use can cause the vape’s heating element to overheat, thinning the oil and increasing leakage risk. To mitigate this, take breaks between uses to allow the device to cool down.


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