WARNING: This product contains nicotine.Nicotine is an addictive chemical.

Vape Policies Around the World: A Quick Guide

Vape policies vary significantly across countries due to differences in health policies and regulatory systems. While vaping is popular in many countries, the legal status, restrictions, and regulatory measures differ widely. Below is an overview of vape policies in major countries and regions:

Vape Policies in the United States

Vape regulations in the U.S. are relatively complex and are overseen by multiple agencies. Key regulations include:

  • Food and Drug Administration (FDA):The FDA regulates vapes and related products (e.g., vape juice, heating elements). Since 2016, under the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act, manufacturers must register products and face restrictions on advertising, sales, and packaging.
  • Taxation: Several states impose sales taxes on vape products, with some states also taxing vape juice and other accessories.
  • State-Level Regulations: States also have different regulations. Some states prohibit the sale of vapes to minors, while others restrict vaping in public places and indoors.

Vape Policies in the European Union

Vape regulations in the EU are primarily governed by the Tobacco Products Directive (TPD):

  • Sales Restrictions: According to the TPD, vape liquids containing nicotine are limited to a concentration of 20 mg/ml.
  • Packaging Requirements: Vape products must carry detailed labeling, and products cannot be marketed as “healthy” alternatives. Vape liquid containers must not exceed 10 ml.
  • Advertising Ban: Advertising of vapes on television, radio, and in print media is strictly prohibited.
  • Health Warnings: Product packaging must carry health warnings, such as “Nicotine is an addictive substance.”

Individual EU countries have some flexibility in implementing the directive. For instance, the UK allows vapes as a smoking cessation tool, while France has additional restrictions and regulations on vaping.

Vape Policies in the China

China is the world’s largest producer and consumer of vapes, but its regulatory framework for vaping is relatively new. Key regulations include:

  • State Administration for Market Regulation: This agency oversees the production, sale, and advertising of vape products, ensuring they meet national quality and safety standards.
  • Ban on Sales to Minors: In December 2021, China introduced regulations prohibiting the sale of vapes to minors and restricting advertising of vaping products.
  • Increased Regulation: In recent years, regulatory authorities have increased oversight of the vape industry, including inspections of online sales platforms and physical stores.

Other countries

United Kingdom:

The UK has a relatively relaxed attitude towards vaping, and people see vapes as a tool to help smokers quit. Key regulations include:

  • Public Health Policy: Public Health England (PHE) supports using vapes as a reduced-harm alternative to smoking and emphasizes their potential in smoking cessation.
  • Tobacco Products Directive (TPD): The UK follows the EU’s TPD, but post-Brexit, lawmakers may make some independent adjustments.
  • Ban on Sales to Minors: Like other countries, authorities prohibit the sale of vapes to minors.


Australia enforces strict regulations around vapes, especially concerning nicotine-containing vape liquids:

  • Nicotine Regulation: The law makes nicotine-containing vape liquids illegal in Australia, and people can only purchase such products with a prescription from a doctor.
  • Public Use Restrictions: Authorities highly regulate vaping in public places, subjecting it to restrictions similar to those for tobacco smoking.


Canada regulates vapes through the Tobacco and Nicotine Act:

  • Nicotine Concentration: The law limits vape liquids to a maximum of 66 mg/ml of nicotine.
  • Advertising and Promotion: Authorities impose strict limits on advertising, and they prohibit vape promotion in most forms of media.
  • Public Use: Many provinces and cities impose restrictions on vaping similar to those for tobacco smoking.
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